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Boue-sols is a consulting agency specialized in soil building in urban environments, upgrading waste produced locally.

Located in Nancy, France, Boue-Sols assists customers from all over the world: New-York, Moscow, Europe...

Who am I?

Maha DEEB, PhD

After I obtained my PhD in Environmental Sciences in 2015, I worked in several research labs in France, the USA, and Russia, I eventually decided to create my own company Boue-Sols in 2020 to combine the cutting-edge technics and knowledge of the academic world with the agility of a private business, to bring innovative solutions to the masses.

My goal is to understand the process and function of soils in order to maximize biotics and abiotics effects to improve their quality and their ecosystemic services. I'm interested in developping new characterization methods for soils and look for new solutions to improve their resistance to the various sources of stress they have to withstand: compaction, erosion, contamination... I'm frequently working on projects where interaction between microorganisms and various local plants with constructed soils are key in the management of rainwater.



Physical properties: aggregates, structural stability, infiltration (shrinkage curve, retention curve), organic carbon storage...
chemical properties: fertility, POlsen, pH, cation exchange capacity, potassium, nitrates and heavy metals.
Biological properties: macrofauna, microfauna, plants and animals activity.
American, French and Russian classifications.
Contaminated soils treatments and remediation, sustainable agriculture, hydrology, composting, Technosols and green spaces design, green roofs, urban farming...

Data processing

Data processing, statistical analysis, R software, ExcelStat, SigmaPlot...


English, French, Arabic.
Notions of Russian and Norse.

Detailed resume.



English publications

Soil: Using constructed soils for green infrastructure – challenges and limitations, (2020).

Frontiers: Green Infrastructure Design Influences Communities of Urban Soil Bacteria, (2019).

Pub Med: Accumulation of arsenic and lead in garden-grown vegetables: Factors and mitigation strategies , (2018).

Soil Science: Variability of Bioaccessible Lead in Urban Garden Soils, (2018).

Science of The Total Environment: Remediation of an urban garden with elevated levels of soil contamination, (2018).

Geoderma: Interactive effects of compost, plants and earthworms on the aggregations of constructed Technosols, (2017).

Pedosphere: Influence of Organic Matter Content on Hydro-Structural Properties of Constructed Technosols, (2016).

Soil: Interactions between organisms and parent materials of a constructed Technosol shape its hydrostructural properties, (2016).

Waste Management: Modelling agronomic properties of Technosols constructed with urban wastes, (2014).

French publications

Thesis: Influence des plantes, des vers de terre et de la matière organique sur la structure de technosols construits (2015).

"Techniques de l'Ingénieur": Construire des sols pour végétaliser la ville, (2020).

Full list


Google Scholar


NYCDEP - NYC City Hall (New-York, USA)

Clean-Soil Bank Project: using deep horizon soils as a solution to contaminated urban soils.

Soil design for green spaces and cemeteries (Greenwood Cemetery) for rainwater and waste water management.

USI (New-York, USA)

Co-organizer of the 2 first USI symposiums. Currently Research Coordinator of the association.

Brooklyn College (New-York, USA)

Risk study linked to soil contamination and remediation. Identification of heavy metals (lead, arsenic...) and hydrocarbons.


Biomass production, microbial activity.

CARY Institute (New-York, USA)

Research study on nitrification/denitrification cycle focused toward water quality.

RUDN (Moscow, Russia)

Summer School teaching, various research studies in progress.

IRD et ETP (Paris, France)

Research work on soils physical properties (aggregates, soil porosity, carbon and water storage).

iEES Paris (Paris, France)

Research on microbial biodiversity in soils - partnership with INRA.

Contact me

Some degraded soils to take care of? Green spaces to design? Data to process? Contact me and describe your project briefly for a quote.

contact - at -